Investment Criteria

EBSCO Capital is responsible for the investment and acquisition activities of EBSCO Industries. We are primarily focused on new platform opportunities and add-on acquisitions but are also committed to venture and fund opportunities that align with our goals.

The below criteria speak to our preferences within each investment category.


Platforms Add-ons Direct Venture Funds
Thematic Alignment Strong Preference Preferred Required Required
Size $8-25M EBITDA No minimum No minimum No minimum
Profitability >10% EBITDA Margin >10% EBITDA Margin • Not pre-revenue
• Rule of 40 preference
Track record of high return on invested capital
Other • Sustainable and clear economic moat
• Diversified customer base
• Growth equity
• Venture
Management Proven and committed management team Proven and experienced fund managers
Professional Services
(Engineering Services, Consultancies)
(Value Add, Need-it-Now, Equipment Dealerships)
Building Monitoring
(Specialty MRO Services, White Van Industries, Water)

Light Manufacturing
(Durable Niches)

Add-On Interests For Active Holdings

Electrical Components

(Need-It-Now Distribution, Component Manufacturing, Panel Shops and Control
Systems, Niche Electrical Equipment).

Hydraulic Components

(Need-It-Now Distribution, Manufacturing, Engineering Solutions, Supply
Chain Management).

Enthusiast Products

(Fishing, Hunting, Outdoor).

Workspace Solutions

(Furniture and Storage, Utility and Storage Carts, Power Charging Products).

Academia Information Products & Services